Landfill Gas Power Generation

Landfill Gas Power Generation
Our society produces a large amount of waste that is hard to eliminate and ever-increasing. Each member of the population creates approximately 250-400 kg of waste each year, and another 28 million tons of garbage add up to the already existing waste.

Landfill Gas Formation
%95 of the waste from the population accumulates in landfill. With the decay following the waste accumulation, chemical and bacterial processes start and organic waste materials decompose and transform. This process causes the total waste volume to decrease, and at the end landfill gas, a type of biogas, emerges.

Landfill gas is a gas mixture composed of methane (CH), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen (N2). 150-200 nm³ of landfill gas is acquired from one ton of waste in a period of 15-20 years.
Temperature of the absorbed gas is around 20-45°C, and its composition is %40-50 CH4 (methane), %35-40 CO2 (carbon dioxide), and %5-10 N2 (nitrogen). The lower calorific value of the gas is 14,400 kj/NM³.

It is mandatory to incinerate the landfill gas to protect the environment. This could be realized in gas incineration flues, boilers, with a gas motor or with a system that combines all these three.

It is possible to produce electrical power from waste by means of a gas engine with a cogeneration system. Electricity is both a more valuable kind of energy than heat, and can easily be transported throughout long distances. Beside electricity power generation, even a greater benefit could be acquired if the after-heat of the engine is also conserved. With the gas collecting systems that we propose, it is possible to collect a bigger amount of landfill gas compared to the conventional landfill gas collection systems.